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Shearer Ballon Dor

The 1996 Ballon d'Or: A Controversial Choice

The Award and its Significance

The Ballon d'Or is an annual football award given to the world's best soccer player. It is awarded by a panel of sports journalists from UEFA member countries.

The 1996 Winner

In 1996, the Ballon d'Or was awarded to Matthias Sammer of Borussia Dortmund. This decision was controversial, as many believed that Alan Shearer of Newcastle United was the more deserving winner.

Shearer's Disappointment

Shearer was understandably disappointed that he did not win the award. He had a phenomenal season in 1996, scoring 31 goals in 35 league appearances. He also led Newcastle to second place in the Premier League and the FA Cup final.

Sammer's Triumph

Sammer, on the other hand, had a solid season with Borussia Dortmund. He was a key member of the team that won the Bundesliga title and reached the final of the Champions League. However, his individual performance was not as impressive as Shearer's.

The Controversial Decision

The decision to award the Ballon d'Or to Sammer was met with widespread criticism. Many felt that Shearer was the more deserving winner, and that the award was politically motivated.

The Legacy of the 1996 Ballon d'Or

The 1996 Ballon d'Or remains a controversial topic in football history. It is a reminder that the award is not always given to the most deserving player, and that politics can sometimes play a role in the decision-making process.
